Federal student loan payments are starting up again. Learn what to do next.
Wealth Management
5 ways to save energy — and tax money
It’s no secret that energy costs keep going up. The good news is that federal tax credits are available to people who invest in energy efficiency in their home and vehicles.
Preserving family legacy by passing down your cabin
If you want your cabin to remain in the family, do you have a plan for how to make that happen? Here are some considerations.
Watch out for tech support scam
Learn the hallmarks of a sophisticated tech support scam that is becoming prevalent, so you can take steps to protect yourself.
Trust vs. will: Which is right for you?
Often, clients will ask the difference between wills and trusts, and which is better. Let’s look at wills, trusts, how they are used, and the pros and cons of each so you can go into a decision well-informed on your options.
7 ways the Secure 2.0 Act changes retirement plans
A new law could change the way you save for retirement and use your retirement funds. We explain the law’s key provisions.
Consider creating an ethical will (or legacy letter)
Ethical wills are a way to account for the intangible things you want to leave to your loved ones.
Use tax time to organize your finances
Use tax time to get the rest of your finances in order. Work through this checklist to ensure no opportunities are overlooked.
How to make your charitable planning more strategic
Follow these four steps for creating a charitable giving strategy that fits your overall goals and plans.
What are your retirement insurance needs? You might be surprised.
Retirement brings a lot of changes. While they might not be at the top of your list, don’t overlook your retirement insurance needs.
Travel advice: COVID changes, insurance, international currency
For those of you ready to resume travel, I asked our travel agent what you should keep in mind when traveling these days.
How much money is enough?
I’ve seen the light bulb go off in many people when they realize they have enough money to live as they wish the rest of their lives. But this moment can be elusive. How will you know you have enough? And, when you do know, what additional questions arise?
How to write your money story. And why it matters.
At Laurel Wealth Planning we often talk with clients about their "money story." We help them identify their views on money — which impact how they make...
Pay off debt or invest? Factors to consider
A common question for people of all ages and incomes is whether to pay off debt or invest. Let’s explore some factors to help you make the choice.
Legacy planning with life insurance
Life insurance is a way to help your loved ones after you pass away, but there are additional reasons to consider life insurance in your legacy planning.