LWP Blog: Financial Insights

How Secure is Social Security?

How Secure is Social Security?

The Social Security Board of Trustees will begin tapping its nearly $3 trillion trust fund to cover payouts this year – the first time since 1982 that the trust fund will pay out more than it takes in.

Protecting Your Financial Information

Protecting Your Financial Information

Cyber and identity theft are big business. In a recent session I attended on this topic, the presenter pulled up a website that sold stolen credit card numbers. There were over fifteen available stolen credit card numbers in one Edina zip code alone.

Welcoming Higher Standards For Our Industry

Welcoming Higher Standards For Our Industry

Recently, a few clients shared their reactions with me about an item in the news: that more financial advisors will soon be required to work in their clients’ best interests. This is called the “Fiduciary Standard.”

Capital gains tax reduction strategies

Capital gains tax reduction strategies

A key area of planning for our clients includes strategies to reduce tax on capital gains (the tax paid on sales of appreciated investments). Yes, we want gains, but once achieved, Uncle Sam and the other taxing authorities also like a “piece of the action.”