As people think about gifting money to family members, they want to do it in a way that is most beneficial to themselves and the recipients.
Children and money
How to teach financial responsibility
Teaching children and grandchildren how to handle money is important, but it all starts by teaching meaningful values.
Five financial tips for young adults
Many clients ask what financial tips they should impart to their children or grandchildren. Sharpen your pencils and take note of these five steps.
During Divorce: Providing For Your Children
Primary caregivers need to be careful that helping your children doesn’t take money from their retirement. In this video, Laura Kuntz CPA/PFS, MBT, talks about ways to send children to the provider parents for their financial needs while retaining a close emotional bond with them.
Teach Your Child or Grandchild These Five Financial Basics
Imagine an aspiring student athlete attending fourth period economics in an ordinary high school classroom. While others might have looked on Economics as dry, this student found he really liked the study of the world’s markets and how they operated.